
Title: Spider Boy...
Papers: Stripes and dots – Kit stand Up by Mterawaswa
Curly edges: Jess Gordon
Felt Stars: By MG
Border: Monika 69
Frames: By Lemonaid Lucy
Stitching :Scalloped By Priscila Rocha
Alpha Velum : by Loreta labarca
Flowers: Funky flora by Mira
Spiral stitching by Natali
Mini tag, Staples : PA Embrace Collect- DSB
Starcardboard: By Nandinha Menezes
Elements (1,2,7,8) e Elentys ( 27,31,35,41,3,4) : Kit French Country by SP

Olá..... mais um findi em SANTA CATARINA..... sol, mar, calor..... hj , segunda-feira chove, parece que o mundo vai desabar!!! Semana que será longa, reunião na faculdade, entrevista de emprego,meu filho na escolinha...enfim,rotina em SANTA CATARINA....... mas sexta é FERIADO...... ainda bem, aí sim, meus planos irão se concretizar!!!!!
Mais um LO, ando a mil com meus scraps!!!
Hello, ... Another weekend in SANTA CATARINA ..... Sun, sea, heat ..... Today, Monday, it´s rainning cats and dogs!!! It seems that the world is going to collapse! ! ! This week will be long, meeting in college, interview for jobs, my son has classes ... Well, It´s my routine here in SANTA CATARINA ....... But Friday is holiday!!!! ...... Even well, so my plans will be possible !!!!!
Another LO, I love to scrap ! !

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Obrigada pela visita! VC ME FEZ EXTREMAMENTE FELIZ!!!